
1978JuneIncorporation of Malaysia LNG Sdn Bhd (MLNG) for liquefaction and marketing of LNG produced at Bintulu and commencement of MLNG Satu Project.
1982AugustEstablishment of the Company for the smooth delivery of LNG from Malaysia.
(100% owned by Mitsubishi Corporation (MC))
 DecemberService Agreement for MLNG Satu Project signed between MLNG and JAMALCO.
Completion of the liquefaction plant of MLNG Satu Project (3 trains) in Bintulu.
1983JanuaryLNG Sales and Purchase Agreement between MLNG and Tokyo Electric and Tokyo Gas for 20 years duration as the first Sales and Purchase Agreement of all MLNG Projects.
 FebruaryLNG delivery from MLNG to Tokyo Electric and Tokyo Gas as the first delivery of all MLNG Projects.
1985MarchCapital participation of PETRONAS Trading Sdn Bhd (PETCO), a Malaysian Company 100% owned by PETRONAS, Shell Kosan Kabushiki Kaisha (SHELL),
now known as Shell Japan Ltd. 65% of 60,000 shares (increased from 20,000
in September 1984) transfer from MC to PETCO and 17.5% transfer from MC
to SHELL based on Share Transfer Agreement between PETCO, MC and SHELL.
(PETCO 65%, SHELL 17.5%, MC 17.5%)
1992JuneCommencement of MLNG Dua Project for the expansion of MLNG Projects with the additional liquefaction plant construction plan (3 trains) in Bintulu.
1995FebruaryAppointment of the Company by MLNG as the service provider to support MLNG Dua Project.
 JuneShare Transfer Agreement between PETCO, SHELL and MC in accordance with MLNG Dua Project commencement.  (PETCO 70%, SHELL 15%, MC 15%)
 NovemberCommencement of MLNG Tiga Project for the expansion of MLNG Projects with the additional liquefaction plant construction plan (2 trains) in Bintulu.
1996JanuaryCompletion of the liquefaction plant of MLNG Dua Project (3 trains) in Bintulu.
2002FebruaryAppointment of the Company by MLNG as the service provider to support MLNG Tiga Project.
2003OctoberCompletion of the liquefaction plant of MLNG Tiga Project (2 trains) in Bintulu.
 DecemberShare transfer of all the shares owned by MC and SHELL to PETCO based on the Share Transfer Agreement of March 1985. (100% owned by PETCO)
2004SeptemberReentry of MC and SHELL as the Company’s Shareholders in accordance the transfer of 7% each of issued shares from PETCO.
2012JanuaryShare transfer from PETCO to PETRONAS LNG Sdn Bhd(PLSB), a Malaysian Company 100% owned by PETRONAS due to PETRONAS group’s reorganization.
2019NovemberShare transfer to and owned by PLSB 96% and MC 7%